5th Annual Teen Winter Challenge at Chicago Public Libraries

Projects that you’ve already completed are eligible to submit! All you need to do is write up a brief artist’s statement and upload a pic to https://www.chipublib.org/news/teen-winter-challenge-2019-2020 before January 31.

Even if it doesn’t win a monetary prize or multi-month hallway display in HWLC, a digital copy will be entered into the collection with the other submissions, and you can show off the pic of it (or actual piece) at the celebratory gala!

3rd Annual LTMakers Holiday Bazaar!

The 3rd Annual LTMakers Holiday Bazaar is this Wednesday the 18th, 3:15pm-5:15pm in the Lane Tech cafeteria (enter through Door M from the parking lot). It is open to the public and is a great way to get unique, limited-release holiday gifts. Friends, family, community members…everyone is welcome!

All items in the Bazaar are designed, prototyped, made and managed by my Innovation and Creation Lab students. 100% of the profits go to resources and opportunities for students and professional development opportunities for the Lane’s CS department.

Shop in person at the bazaar and/or pre-order through direct contact with groups online at http://ltmakers.org (click on Bazaar Catalog up top).

The online catalog site is always live and changing. Each student group has edit control of their own product slides that you see. If you see something you’re interested in, simply reach out to that group through their contact information on their product slide via the LTMakers website. You of course can also just come, walk around and shop 🙂