Code.Chi Conference 2020



My name is Lucy Zises and I am a junior at Walter Payton College Prep. I am emailing you regarding a conference I am currently planning alongside two of my classmates. The event, Code.Chi, is aimed at female-identifying high schoolers interested in technology. This will be our third year putting on the conference, and I’m really excited!

Code.Chi is is a conference for high school girls interested in tech and CS careers. This year the conference will feature a key speaker, a panel of college students studying tech/CS, and various workshops. You can find more information at our website,

The event is at Walter Payton College Prep on February 22, 2020 from 12:30-3:30pm.

We are trying to reach as many highschoolers as possible, so we would really appreciate it if you could forward this information onto your students that might be interested in attending. I will also send a flyer regarding the event very soon.

To register for the event, please have your students use the form under the ‘Register’ tab on our website.

If you or your students have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you very much!
Lucy Zises

Field Museum High School Science and Digital Learning Internship Now Recruiting

Info about the High School Science and Digital Learning Internship:

The High School Science and Digital Learning Internship is a deep dive into the science and technology of the Field Museum. In this 6-week paid summer internship, high school students will gain hands-on scientific research experience in the Museum’s plant and fossilized plants collections. Interns will create a product for the scientists using their scientific knowledge and user experience design principles. This program will expose interns to the inner workings of museums and to careers in both the sciences and technology sector. Students will work directly with Field Museum scientists, other interns, and designers throughout the course of the internship.

The online application is available now – Monday, March 9, 2019 and can be found at The internship runs June 29th – August 7, 2019. Working hours of the internship are: Monday – Friday, 9:30am-4pm. This program is for students in the class of 2021 and 2022, rising juniors and seniors.

Info about Teen Open House
Teen Open House: Climate Change edition is February 17th from 1-3:30 at the Field Museum. Our Youth Council planned a jam packed hangout, and teens are still welcome to drop in and out as they please. Highlights include snacks, a conservation themed scavenger hunt, and meeting scientists from the Field. Teens can register at

Fliers attached.

Shoshi Shapiro
Teen STEM Learning Experiences Coordinator

The Digital Learning Team

Email digitalstudio

Field Museum
1400 S. Lake Shore Dr.
Chicago, IL 60605


The Digital Learning Team

Email digitalstudio

Field Museum
1400 S. Lake Shore Dr.
Chicago, IL 60605

Final Teen Open House Full Flyer.pdf


ChiCyberCon 2020

Free for students.

Front Page

Please share this invitation with your students for free attendance…

Did you know that some hacking is ethical? Or that steganography has nothing to do with stegosaurs but with code cracking?

Learn about these topics and connect with hundreds of individuals on technology’s cutting edge at Illinois Institute of Technology’s ChiCyberCon 2020! Event highlights include:

· Enjoy free student admission

· Learn about the fields of cybersecurity and forensics through presentations by dynamic experts from the federal government and industry, including 2020 LEGIS Congressional S. Raschid Muller and Chantel A. Perry, USAA data scientist

· Interact with industry practitioners, researchers, faculty, and upper-level students active in specialty areas from cyberwarfare to the internet of things to government policy for security

Front Page

2020-01-30 11_25_58-Consider Your Future in Cybersecurity at ChiCyberCon 2020 - - Chic

Jones Jam!

Check it out! A new opportunity: Jones Jam, a CPS-wide game jam. Unlike CodeDay, this event is only one day long, and is happening on Friday, Jan 31st (school improvement day).

The yearly CPS game jam is back! On January 31st, join other CPS students in a day of pixel art, Bob Ross painting, and coding. After gaining vital skills in a series of fun workshops, you’ll spend the rest of the event working on projects in teams of coders, designers, and musicians.

Sound fun? Sign up now at

We set a record in the number of Lane students at CodeDay, and we’re aiming for a similar result with this event!

Are you interested in CodeDay/Jones Jam leadership roles? A large portion of the team is graduating this year, and so they’re starting to look for students to fill those positions. This is a great leadership opportunity for anyone passionate about spreading the joy of CS to others. If interested, contact Anton at aaoutkine.

Northwestern Coding Club (Free)

A note from Blanca Sandoval, the Education Coordinator at the Pedersen-McCormick Boys & Girls Club.

We are currently recruiting High School Students for our Northwestern Coding Program. Northwestern Computer Engineering students plan and implement activities and field trips for Program Participants.

-Starts Wednesday, January 15, 2020
**Every Wednesday:

THOTCON Future Hacker Scholarship

***BEGIN THOTCON TRANSMISSION**********************************************
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*** About THOTCON ***

THOTCON (pronounced \ˈthȯt\ and taken from THree – One – Two) is
a hacking conference based in Chicago IL, USA. This is a non-profit, non-commercial event looking to provide the best conference possible on a very li
mited budget.

It was started as an idea in late 2009, by a group of Chicago hackers who w
anted to start a local low cost con.

THOTCON is produced by THOTCON Infinity NFP, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

*** THOTCON Future Hacker Scholarship ***

Are you a high school senior in a Chicago Public School? Do you enjoy break
ing software, security controls and physical things to understand how they
work? If so, the THOTCON Future Hacker Scholarship might be for you.

This is a unique, one-time $5,000.00 USD award designed to help a future ha
cker with their higher education ambitions.

To apply you must meet all of the following eligibility requirements:

– Be a current high school senior from a Chicago Public School
– Plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited two- or
four-year college, university or vocational school for the entire upcoming
academic year
– Plan to major in cyber security or related field (e.g. computer science,
computer engineering or information systems with a security concentration)
– Have a minium grade point average of 3.0 on 4.0 scale (or its equivalent)
– Be able to describe an event that you participated in that is related to
the cyber security field or tell of an occurrence that demonstrates your interest in the cyber security field.

Note: Financial need will be considered. Must be able to demonstrate need.

Applications will open in mid-December 2019 and will run into February 2019

To apply, click HERE.

The recipient will be notified and invited to THOTCON 0xB as a VIP to receive their award.

Make a tax deductible donation to help fund this scholarship!

***END THOTCON TRANSMISSION************************************************



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