Teens Take On COVID Hackathon!

See below!

Greetings fellow coder,

Our names are Ashay Parikh, Labdhi Jain, and Sohum Bhole, and we are three current juniors/incoming seniors at James B. Conant High School. You may know us from school, Code211, or other D211 events. This time, we are organizing an online, student-led hackathon called “Teens Take On COVID.”

Starting May 18th and until May 25th, we have planned to gather as many teen coders as we can and facilitate a fun competition where you and other teens will build solutions like mobile apps, websites, and hardware devices that address some of the current AND future challenges related to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic!

The reasons why you should join are quite simple:

  1. It’s free
  2. There will be prizes
  3. Teens of all skill levels are invited
  4. There are no obligations when signing up
  5. You will have plenty of time to code
  6. You will be judged by tech professionals
  7. You can use whatever software or hardware you want
  8. You can work alone or with whoever you want
  9. You will be able to impact other peoples’ lives
  10. A great learning experience

And if this isn’t enough, email us back and we’ll send you more reasons. But if you are interested in participating, you should do the following:

  1. Head over to https://teens-take-on-covid.devpost.com/ to sign up for the event
  2. Join our slack: https://join.slack.com/t/teens-take-on-covid/shared_invite/zt-duxz85ib-SEE3Q2FBDr7F3HdqCE_REQ
  3. Check both links for any updates, full rules, project requirements, and more
  4. Start planning your project with/without your team members

If you have any further questions, please email us back. We are really excited to see the cool project that you will create!

See you then,
Ashay Parikh, Labdhi Jain, Sohum Bhole
Teens Take on COVID Organizers

VHacks Virtual Hackathon (with prizes!)

Vernon Hills HS and The Computer Science Teachers Association(CSTA) presents:

Vernon Hills High School has teamed up with CSTA(Computer Science Teachers Association) to create a hackathon that provides students with the chance to solve real world problems, especially focusing on the Coronavirus.

Full designs, prizes, signup information and more at https://www.vhacks.net.