CPL’s Makers in Residence

Be CPL’s Online Makers-in-Residence

February 26, 2021

Are you a maker with skills to share? You could be one of our two Makers-in-Residence. Apply by 11:59 p.m. on March 28 using the form below.

Two residencies are available and each one will run for three months. The approximate term of each residency is June through August and September through December.

The Makers-in-Residence will:

  • Offer eight online workshops for library patrons.
  • Have access to Maker Lab equipment and staff.
  • Use making, technology or design to interpret local culture, history, or experiences.
  • Create a work incorporating elements created by workshop participants.
  • Have a supply budget.
  • Have their work exhibited at Harold Washington Library Center.
  • Conclude with a presentation of their project.
  • Be compensated $6,000 for the three-month residency.

What We’re Looking For

You should have some experience with digital design and fabrication. You’ll incorporate the process of 3D printing, laser cutting, vinyl cutting, milling, sewing, embroidering, knitting, audio editing, digital art or any combination of the above. Your theme incorporates self-sustaining practices, discovery, creative reuse, broadening perceptions or community connections. You can spend about 10 hours per week for 12 weeks dedicated to this project.

More Information

Main Site: https://www.chipublib.org/news/be-cpls-online-makers-in-residence/

Questions? Email makerspace.

The Maker-in-Residence is generously funded by the Chicago Public Library Foundation.