9th and 10th Grade Google Code Next Application

From Nicki Anselmo at Google:

If you work with 9th and 10th graders who are Black/Latinx/Indigenous, please let them know that the Code Next applications are open. While there’s not a physical Code Next lab in Chicago (yet), there is virtual programming, called Code Next Connect.

For students who live outside of our lab cities, our Connect program is our online program for high school students across the United States. Connect consists of various clubs that students can apply to be a part of, where they engage in lessons with real Google employees. Club topics range from game design to hardware development. Programming is open to high school students anywhere in the United States, though we specifically target 9th-10th grade students. Clubs happen three times a year: fall term, winter term, and spring term (we break for summer). To learn more about our Code Next Connect programs, check out our application FAQs.

If you – or your students – have any questions or feedback, please let me know!
