Congressional App Challenge in the 7th District

See info below!

Hello Schools in the 7th District,

We are excited to announce that the Congressional App Challenge is now open for submissions! This exciting competition offers students a chance to demonstrate their creativity and technological know-how. Students have until November 1st to submit a concept of an app, no programming needed, for a chance to win a trip to Washington D.C. and have their app displayed on the United States House of Representatives’ website.

If you would like to have U.S. Representative Danny K. Davis or staff come in and talk about the Congressional App Challenge at your school please let me know and our office can arrange that.

Please share this message and flyers about this incredible opportunity with your school community.

Fliers attached

CAC Flyer for Schools .pdf


MSI Fab Lab Workshops

Fab Lab Saturday Morning Camps are now accepting registrations!

All camps include four Saturday mornings, and are designed for students in 5th through 9th grades.

Fab Lab Saturday Morning Circuit Bending Camp

Learn the safe application of circuit exploration and basic soldering skills to build and take home a new electronic creation.

Fab Lab Saturday Morning Mechatronics Camp

Learn how to integrate mechatronic elements into multiple iterations of robots and machines you design!

Fab Lab Saturday Morning Digital Design Camp

Campers will be introduced to new fabrication techniques in 3D printing, laser cutting, vinyl cutting, and digital embroidery.