University of Wisconsin-Madison – Free STEM Summer Camp Opportunity

See details below and flier attached.

Good Morning!

As the warmth of summer approaches, we at the Simulation Based Engineering Lab (SBEL) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are thrilled to present an incredible opportunity for high school students, ProCSI-H!

ProCSI-H is a free, week-long, engineering themed, residential summer camp hosted on the UW-Madison campus. Students who are currently in 9th, 10th, or 11th grade are eligible to participate. We kindly request that you share this opportunity with students displaying an interest, potential, or proficiency in math, science, computer science, and/or engineering. However, no specific experience or coursework completion is required.

One of our goals here at SBEL is to promote diversity in STEM. Thus we strongly encourage students from historically underrepresented backgrounds (minority, first-generation, female) to apply for this opportunity.

Please share this opportunity with your students, and feel free to use our attached 2024 promotional flyer. Additional information and the application can be found online at

Feel free to respond directly to this email with any questions or concerns.

Thank you,
ProCSI-H Team

ProCSI-H 2024 Flyer (1).pdf